How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

How long do porcelain veneers last” or porcelain veneers how long do they last? The answer to the questions is directly related to the care that people will make of their teeth and how well they will comply with the dentist recommendations after the procedure.

How long do porcelain veneers last question is frequently asked by those who want to have porcelain veneer. The life of this process, which is coated with high quality porcelain on Teeth, is affected by many parameters.

How Many Years Do Porcelain Vaneers Last?

Dental veneers stands out as an effective treatment method. There are other options for this treatment, such as zirconium. The preference of Dental porcelain is made by those who care more about the beauty of their teeth, their aesthetic appearance and the concept of smile.

Porcelain tooth veneer method, as the name suggests, is the application of a porcelain veneer on the teeth. How long do porcelain veneers last? Although it varies in direct proportion to how well people will take care of their porcelain teeth, the average period is about 15-20 years.

The stages of the porcelain coating process can be listed as follows:

  • The teeth on which the application will be made are cleaned by wiping with a special tool.
  • Necessary thinning is done on the teeth.
  • A mold of the tooth is taken with the help of classical or three-dimensional imaging methods.
  • The mold is sent to the laboratory and porcelain veneer is started to be produced.
  • A temporary coating is applied to the person until the actual coating is ready. Falling or damage to the temporary coating is not a major problem.
  • The teeth coming from the laboratory in a polished form are applied with the help of a special adhesive and the process is completed.

How Long Does a Porcelain vaneer Last?

will the porcelain veneer process take or How long should porcelain vaneers last? to Can porcelain veneers last a lifetime? The answers to their questions are frequently sought by patients who want to have the procedure. With good care, the durability of the porcelain tooth coating after the procedure is around 15-20 years .

Well do porcelain veneers break easily? No, porcelain vaneers are quite durable and of good quality. It maintains its durability for many years. Another important question at this point is “do your rot with teeth veneers? Yes, your teeth can rot when you neglect oral and dental care. Your risk of tooth decay is at the same level after the procedure as it was in the past.

Teeth veneers has been successfully applied in Turkey for years. Turkey, general dentistry, gum disease and It has successful and highly competent dentists in many areas such as dental implants . Moreover, transaction fees are extremely affordable.

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